

Hey ladies !! Sorry it’s long — So TMI but has anyone had diarrhea during their ovulation time ? According to Glow ,my important days to “ get it on “ was yesterday and today however, last night out of nowhere I had diarrhea and felt so sick! I was fine all through Christmas dinner and we went to see Star Wars then all of a sudden I’m running to the bathroom. I was good all day today until just now and it hit me all over again. It most likely is my food choices the past couple days with holiday stuff too and then chic fil a for lunch today haha ....But overall, wondering if this is normal during this time ? I’ve been off the pill now just over 2 months and we’ve been trying since.. I had this about a week after getting off the pill and I know that can be all the hormones leaving my body so now I’m wondering is it my body still adjusting or is this normal or possibly prego ?? I was also on the pill for years so being off of it is a little different ... Anything helps !!