TTC: 2 miscarriages. emotional advice


So, my husband and I have been trying to conceive for over a year. In February we had a miscarriage at 6w, 2 weeks later my brother in law announced they were pregnant at 8w. It hurt to hear, I took it kind of hard. I was sad that it would’ve been so nice to have had cousin babies born so close together. But I am so happy to have a healthy beautiful baby nephew born this October! He’s such an angel.

Now, last week I had another miscarriage at 7w went to the doctor to confirm. That’s 2 in 2017. Today my best friend took us out to dinner to announced they were pregnant at 6w. I kept a straight face, i didn’t tell them of our miscarriage. I am so happy for them. They weren’t even trying. We also would’ve been a week apart. I’m crushed. How do people handle such loss while also being happy for others around them? I don’t want to be one of those women who get sad when other women have babies or can get pregnant super easy. Nobody ever talks about this part. How hard it is to get pregnant, or the struggles of social interaction when you’re going through a loss. How do people do this? Am I over reacting? How do you stay happy for others without think of your loss? This hurts but I want to be happy.