6 months and still going strong

Rhiannon • \\Mama to Oscar & Amelia 💙 Wife to Gerard//

Breast feeding is challenging at the best of times, there has been times I've wanted to give up, Times i thought i wasn't producing enough, Times that I've wanted to drink and not have to worry about it going to my baby... But 6 months later and we are still going strong... Ofcourse the health benifits have alot to do with it, also the fact that its free and super convenient.. But honestly the bonding time we have is something truelly special.. the way he looks up at me mid feed and smiles still melts my heart everytime and thats the reason we are still breastfeeding and why we will continue to til atleast 12 months.. because even when it gets super hard. That chubby cheek smile makes it all worth it. (even if it has got two very sharp teeth now).