Ready for another baby


I am so ready for another baby!....But they're so expensive! Hubs and I have planned on another the summer when Scarlett turns 4, so the following school year we will only have 1 kiddo in day care. (I'm a teacher and get summers off, built in maternity leave if it's timed right). That being the plan I'd have to get pregnant in the months of June- early August 2020. BUT I WANT TO BE PREGNANT RIGHT NOW! TODAY!

We're using the Fertility Awareness Method so it wouldn't be impossible for it to happen right away, but I'm also a HUGE planner and know that the responsible adult thing to do is just wait. BUT I DON'T WANT TO!!! I WANT a baby

I don't need advice. I really just needed to whine like a Bratty 2 year old.