Scoliosis Insecurity

I’m a 15 year old sophomore in high school, and recently I’ve been struggling with a specific insecurity that has really gotten to me... Of course, you’re probably thinking, "Well, everybody at that age is insecure, it’s natural."

But what I’m struggling with isn’t as common as most other girls insecurities', I’m pretty sure.

I have scoliosis, which I guess is not all that rare, but the problem is that I have a kind of bad. It’s frustrating because it’s not at a surgery-level, so I can’t have it fixed (and truthfully, I don’t want to go through that long, painful, and expensive process), but it’s still quite noticeable. Not when I’m wearing regular clothes, or even when I’m wearing off the shoulder shirts and such, as I work really hard on my posture, but certain angles will just look odd, no matter what I’m wearing. Bathing suit season is especially tough.

It’s so weird to say, but I’m jealous of girls who can just bend down without worrying about somebody thinking, "What's wrong with her back?"

Sorry this is such a weird topic and a lengthy the post, I just needed to hear someone’s response. Thanks.