Wishful thinking?

Brittany • Mom of three and pregnant with our rainbow 🌈

Spent the better part of yesterday at L&D just to be sent home after 6 hours. Was having regular contractions but they slowed down to 15-20 minutes apart after the 4th hour. I'm dilated to 4cm and 75% effaced. They had me walk around for 2 hours and there was absolutely no change, so I was told to go home - eat, rest for awhile then be active till my contractions get stronger or my water breaks. Currently 37 weeks and 3 days and completely over pregnancy at this point!

I maybe got 2 hours of sleep last night before waking up full of energy at 2am. So I've been doing nothing but cleaning with regular trips to the bathroom. (Not having direah but I'm definitely going alot.) I've been having mild contractions 15 minutes apart for 5 hours but nothing painful enough to go in yet even though I called L&D and was told to wait till they are 5-7 min apart since I've been in early labor for 2 weeks.

It's our 2 year wedding anniversary today, so part of me is hoping today is the day, but on the other hand I want to go grocery shopping ext before I go into full active labor that way my s/o isn't having to go grocery shopping right after considering my s/o was joking about grocery shopping while I was being monitored talking about not knowing what to buy incase I get mad he didn't pick up the same type of snacks ext I've been eating my entire pregnancy.