Advice from men and women pls!


I’ve been with my SO for a year this February, and everything is great, except he refuses to eat me out. I’ve done things for him when he asked with the promise of him eating me out (like driving 6 hours all night to get a bag of weed that he forgot when we were on a family vacation and only getting 2 hours of sleep before having to get up and go spend all day doing stuff, he came with me btw but I drove). Thats all I asked for was him to just try and if he really didn’t like it then he didnt have to continue. Honestly at this point I’d be so nervous that I probably wouldn’t feel anything anyway, but that’s not the point. I give him head nearly every time we have sex because he’ll push my head down and say get it wet so I can stick it in you. Which at the time I don’t mind I think it’s hot and I love it, but now when I’m typing this I’m a little annoyed. His excuse? He tried it once while drunk with another girl and said it was disgusting. I told him I’ve never been eaten out and would really like to try it but he just gets this face every time I say something and like that POOF dry as sand. I know they say try pineapple to make it taste better but even getting him to do it is going to be difficult. I just want , for one time, him giving me please. He has only fingered me twice or so before and I’m embarrassed because I know he doesn’t like it so I can’t enjoy it, and I fake it every time. He also refuses to do any position other than missionary even though it kills my back now that I’m 16 weeks pregnant. He says he can’t do doggy, which is my favorite, because “my dicks too small and your butt is too big”. But I lost 15 pounds since getting knocked up and he still won’t try. Any advice on how to get him to eat me out? Anything would be helpful I’m desperate!!! (He said get him drunk and he would but he HATES drinking and refuses every time I suggest it)