needing some serious input/help

ok so sorry in advance this is going to be a bit lengthy

so im currently 37+3 and have my next appointment with my OB on 1/2 and was wanting to get some input on something i want to ask him while im there

so for the past 7-8 years ive been continously on medications for my bipolar, depression, anxiety, and insomnia. but as soon as i found out i was pregnant i had to stop all of my medications cold turkey as the ones i take could potentially cause birth defects etc and i always want whats best for my son. as of the past few months my moods and depression have gone South to the point where i can barely function right and spend most nights literally crying myself to sleep. im going on 2 full nights of no sleep now just because of everything mixed together and my emotions getting out of control and i was wanting to see if there was anyway my doctor would schedule to induce around 38 weeks so im able to go back onto my medications before my mental health completely deteriorates any worse than it has gotten up to now.

if you've actually read this far. thank you!