
my fiance and I had been engaged since February but he never really Propose to me. We knew once we started dating we were ment to be so just asking in a conversation didn't seem like a big deal to me. I took off my ring and it disappeared for months. I cried like crazy when I couldn't find my ring. We went to a Halloween fesival and I finally got my ring back. Before the band started to play they asked for jack and Sally to come on stage. Nightmare before Christmas is my all time favorite movie so we decide to dress as them and because we looked so good we got to be in a Parade. Well I thought that was the best part of the night but I was wrong. Anyway, back to the band I look around nervous wasn't sure if it was us but Zach took my hand lead me to the stage. When on the stage he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him of course I said yes and the crowd went nuts. The fesival people gave us free shirts but that was the best day of life and with new years coming up it wil.l be The anniversary of how we met