Should I be hopeful?

I am now 3 days late and took a pregnancy test 4 days ago and it said negative. When I was suppose to start Aunt flow on the 28th all I had was the slightest spotting but it was so light that some wouldn't even call it spotting... could I be preggo even if I had spotting? I'm too nervous to think one way or the other, I'm afraid to take a pregnancy test again just to see a negative again.

Has anyone had negatives and still got a positive?

My husband saw the negatives when I took the tests 4-5 days ago and he's skeptical now and it has me feeling like it couldn't be real.

I just don't know how to feel right now besides ridiculous for even posting this. I feel like an idiot like I should know what's going on with my body; it's my body right so I would know if I was pregnant or not. Idk

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