Feeling disrespected


Ok, this is a long post and im sorry. But i could use some help. So I like to think that I'm a pretty confident person in my own skin. I've battled with my weight all my life, but I've managed it pretty well until this past year. There are a lot of factors as to why but I won't get into that now. But I've gained 25 pounds this year and it's gotten me down. My new husband (10/1/17) has always been supportive, never makes any comments, makes me feel beautiful regardless of my weight. So, he is a drummer, he has his own room for his kits, it's like his man cave. I never go in there because I have no reason to. Until today. His birthday is coming up and I was looking for something to get him. With Christmas just passing I ran out of ideas. So I'm looking around and im looking at his posters that he has hanging and I find these.

My heart immediately sank. I dropped to my knees in tears right there. I know hes a man and they are just posters but I completely feel disgusting now. Knowing that he looks at these posters every day makes me not only upset, a little angry and disappointed. He had a poster just like one about 6 months ago and we got in an argument over it so he tossed it in the trash. But he obviously got a new one. I want to bring it to his attention that this hurts me without a fight, but I know it won't end well and he will throw them away and resent me, or but them again, or he will keep them and I will just have to deal. I know this was a long post, and I'm sorry. But I needed to get this off my chest and I need some advice on how to approach it. Thank you in advance!