I called the cops on my husband... Final update? Is anyone still reading this?


Update: February 16th: I got the call today that he will be dishonorably discharged because of sexual assault either tomorrow or Monday. I feel relief? The military did find him guilty of physical abuse also. I got accepted into one university and now I’m waiting for the other one to make a decision. My life is SO much better. I’m way happier. I realized one thing.... My main reason of being so depressed for 3 years was because of him. I haven’t felt so happy in a really long time. Thanks for reading! ❤️❤️ & if anyone is wondering. We talk financials through his sister. He has tried to manipulate me to drop the charges in messages but I just stop responding. We have not talked or anything. My feelings has 100% went away and have no more temptation to talk to him. I am so happy without him!

Update after court (1/16): My anxiety has been through the roof for the past few days, leading up to this. I just got out of court. He tried to talk to me before court and I told him I didn’t want to talk to him. He left me alone after I told him to leave me alone. He wanted a continuance on the case. I spoke with his lawyer and she told me what she would like to do & what she thinks it’s best for him... which is anger management, probation, etc. I will have to come back on March 30th. I’ve also discovered that he has a pending sexual assault case against him that happened December 11th... We were together still.. What is wrong with him.. I don’t even know this guy anymore. Now I really want to get out of my marriage so badly. I’m starting to think that he lied to me when he said 5 girls were accusing him sexual assault and harassment but now that a 6th has came up, I can’t believe it anymore. Anyway, that’s a small update. I’m doing okay. Taking it day by day. I will have an appointment with my victim’s advocate/social service soon. Thanks for keeping up and thank you so much for all the support. It feels nice to finally have support.. even from strangers around the world.

Update: I know I said I was going to stop updating. I still have been checking and reading the comments. I’m honestly going to cry. I love you guys so much for your support. People have been wondering how I’ve been doing. I’ve been okay! My nightmares have stopped but I’m still dreaming about him. I still miss him a little but I have not contacted him & don’t plan to. I started working again and it helps a little. Lastly, I’m scared shitless to go to court on Tuesday because I know he will be there... I’m so scared that I want to drop the charges but I know I need to stick to my guns. I’ve been really anxious about it. Wish me luck for Tuesday! Also, my divorce will be finalized by next year (New Years) and he can’t fight it. I’ll be free from him then.

LAST POST ON HERE: Thank you for all the support. It made me feel a little better with everything. I have deleted most of my updates because of the backlash I have gotten. The backlash is just giving me anxiety and I was going to delete the whole post all together but decided not to. I’m really grateful for everyone who has commented and said really amazing things. I didn’t think so many people were going to see this. Just to give a little update of how I’ve been doing. I’m honestly still really heartbroken about all of this. I’m sad that my marriage is over and I have lost my best friend but I know I can never go back. I’ve been taking the time to just wallow and just do anything I could to feel “okay”. Every night, I’ve been dreaming about him and suddenly, I started having nightmares about being murdered and dying. I feel really broken and empty. I still really miss him and all. You guys may continue to comment supportive things, I may or may not see. One thing that I can 100% say, is that I am not going back to him even if I miss him so much. Thank you, ladies ❤️ Hopefully, my heart will heal.


I’m writing this because I never had the strength to do something and get out of my marriage till now. My husband and I have gotten into many arguments this year over his cheating. He cheated on me for a year (2016-2017). He got her pregnant twice and made her get an abortion twice. I stupidly stayed with him... I thought he changed but he still cheated. He never stopped cheating on me... ever. So he was basically cheating on me for two years. We got into heated arguments that got physical multiple times. I always ended up with bruises. He is a pathological liar. I always forgave him. I never called the cops on him because I didn’t want to have him get kicked out of the Army. I never reported his infidelity because I thought we could fix this. He has a sexual assault case on him and I stood by with him, stupidly...

I called the police today and got him arrested. I am pressing charges. We were separated in May but we got back together. I thought everything was okay. Turns out, when we separated (he wanted it, not me)... he was kicking me out of the house at the time so he could move in with his mistress... and YES, she knew about me. She didn’t care. He told her all these lies and he told me other lies. She still wants him even after everything I told her today.

He told me he was still cheating, two nights ago. We got into an argument where he started pushing me, throwing me to the ground, choking me where I couldn’t breathe.. and putting his hand over my mouth where I couldn’t scream for help. The police came and I stupidly said I was okay and that I will be safe... There’s more to the story but it’s going to be like a book..

She was the one that wanted me to talk to her. She told me to be a mature adult and I did. I told her everything that he told me. What did she do? She freaked out on him. He got mad at me for telling her. So he said I was lying... then he pushed me and threw me to the ground as I yelled the truth for her to hear... He kept telling me to shut up and putting his hands on my mouth. Then he walked away. I decided to call 911.. and he saw me on the phone. He turned around and tried to grab my phone. Then he pushed me on the ground and tried to get my phone. I was screaming and trying to push him off with my hands and feet. He tried to stop me from screaming by trying to put his hand over my mouth again but I kept moving away from it and screaming as much as I could. He took my phone and hung up on 911.. Then I tried running out the apartment.. He didn’t let me. He pulled me away from the door and pushed me to the ground. He put his hands over my mouth. I screamed as loud as I could and tried to get out. He eventually did let me and I ran to a neighbor that was in the process of moving.. Her door was open and I ran in there crying, asking for help and they closed the door to keep me safe. They called the cops for me. He came to the door and banged on it. They made him go away till the cops came. He talked to the officers first and tried to put the blame on me, saying that I started everything. They came and talked to me. I told them everything and showed them my bruises. They gave me the choice to press charges or let the military take care of it... which I know since he’s a sergeant, they wouldn’t do much. So I’m letting both the civilian and military get in this

I thought about it and decided to press charges. They let me sit in the police car and I saw him come out in handcuffs.. I’m in a lot of pain.. Feeling a lot of sadness but I did it. I called his sisters and they said that even though they are his sisters, I did the right thing. I’m on my way back to my parent’s house now. It took a lot of strength for me to do it because I truly love him. Now it’s time to think about myself..

Goodbye to 5 years. Goodbye to once, the love of my life.

Ladies, please get out if he cheats... Please get out if he is abusive even if it’s just emotional and mental abuse.. I always thought he would change. I even thought he would never do this to me. Please find your worth. I was dumb and naive..