Help... am I overreacting? (MIL)

My mother in law watches my 5 month old three days a week. She has been overbearing since he was born, and there is no end in sight.

I was letting her drive me crazy, but I've been trying this thing out lately, where I try not to let her get to me and just enjoy my life, family and child.

Well, tonight, she openly admitted she kisses our child on the face (between the eyes). We have asked her not to at least twice. She gets cold sores often and I read too many horror stories...

Secondly, she lets me son SUCK ON HER CHIN. She is a smoker, and I am envisioning all of those carcinogens being taken in with each suck... and she thinks It is cute. I watched this occur for at least 60 seconds tonight. Well... I looked away after two seconds and bit my tongue. Awful moments:

As I sit here anxiety filled and wondering if I should say something to my husband... Should I just let all of this go or are they things to genuinely be upset about?

Thanks in advance.