Delivery Pain


I gave birth on 12/27 with an induction. It was really painful and I wasn't offered pain meds until like 12 hours into the terrible contractions. Even then wasn't offered much. After the baby was born through some scary moments, I ended up tearing in three places in my inner labia. I haven't looked myself at where the stitches are, but they have definitely been painful to heal. While in the hospital for the mandatory 36 hours I was told different things about pain medication. It was getting frustrating being treated like my pain wasn't an issue when I was uncomfortable. My doctor came to speak with me the day before I left and seemed a bit shocked I was taking Percocet to manage pain and said she didn't plan to send me home with any. Up until I left they were the only thing really helping with the sting of the pain. When I left she sent me home with 10, 5mg oxycodones. It's been a few days and I'm running out but still am having periods of bad pain in the area with stitches and I'm finding myself upset at how my pain management has been treated from the hospital staff. I want to request a refill but am hesitant since it seemed so hard to just get 10. Does anyone have advice on this topic?