Scared to the other shoe to drop at 22wks


Everything has been perfect! Everything they said would never happened, well it has happened. I am having a perfectly healthy baby boy and a perfectly normal pregnancy. With a chromosome inversion, they said we would keep getting pregnant with nonviable pregnancies, but we finally got a heartbeat. They said we would only have girls that have Turners Syndrome, but we are having a perfectly healthy boy due in May. My blood pressure has been the best it has ever been. My lupus has stayed in remission. My hypoglycemia has been manageable, so hopefully no gestational diabetes. But Y'ALL, I AM DEATHLY AFRAID OF SOMETHING GOING WRONG. Whether we lose his heartbeat or I end up with a difficult delivery, I am so scared. I keep a strong face and keep sharing my testimony, but if something happens, I may need to be locked up. IF God forbid we have a stillbirth, I don't think I will be okay. Maybe I feel like I don't deserve this, I don't know. But I keep feeling like the other shoe is going to drop, and I won't be able to deal. Please pray that I don't jinx this. I am so very grateful and so very scared.