One year later

2017 was a rough year. February 16, 2017 my first pregnancy ended with a miscarriage and I can honestly say I’ve never been more devastated in my entire life. My husband was equally as crushed. I’ll never forget those long moments in the doctors office. From the time we walked in the building thinking everything was okay to walking out with my head in my hands and tears streaming down my face. Not to mention the D&C; a few days later. Those were the darkest days. My period took about nine weeks to come back. We didn’t conceive the first time we were able to try. The end of May and early June we had tried again but I was experiencing period like cramps. I remember I was so upset thinking I was going to get my period and we’d have to try again. To my surprise, my period never came! I tested and got my BFP!! Now we’re ringing in the new year impatiently waiting for the arrival of our daughter due February 18, 2018. I would’ve never thought in those dark moments of losing my first that almost exactly a year later I’d be celebrating the arrival of my rainbow baby. 💛🧡❤️💚💙💜. I truly hope that anyone struggling with a loss right now can find comfort in my little story. Baby dust to all of you and Happy New Year ✨