Getting blamed for an STD?

So I broke up with my boyfriend of 5 years. Fast forward 3 weeks and I started having protected sex with another guy. The 2nd time we had sex we had oral sex for a few minutes and then went to have vaginal sex with a condom. The condom I brought was tough on him but we used it anyways. He only last like less than a minute and he came. I go back home and maybe after being home for a few minutes I get a text from him saying that the tip of his penis burns and thinks he scraped it on my tooth or something. Told him to let me know how he feels the next day. Fast forward 2 days later and he text me saying that it still burns and that I gave him an STD and I should go get tested. I asked if he has a rash, redness, cuts, sores, bleeding, pain during urination or any of that sort and he said no to all of it but that it just stings a bit, not as much as before but it still stings. He’s now blaming me that I had an STD and that it is my fault. I’m going to get tested but no appointment available till next Tuesday. He’s freaking me out, anybody have a dive or have gone through something similar???