chemical pregnancy or Faint Lines on tests


I had a bit of deja vu about a week ago, a week before my period was due. I took a pregnancy test (clear blue) and it was a really really faint line (my husband couldnt see it). I did another one the next day and same again. I left it 2 days and did an FR one, again i had a faint line come up. so i left it until the 31st December; when i was due and did another test with the same outcome but seemed fainter than the last one i did. we then recaluted that i was due today but no period. I did a clear blue this morning and again another faint line. i had cramping days ago but it stopped and still no period. I'm confused whether this is going to be a chemical pregnancy? im not doing anymore pregnancy tests and have a doctors appointment booked. what do you guys think? sorry i have no photos ❤❤