Are there any DV relationships that actually work?

My SO and i have been together for three years.

There have been so many times more than i can count that he has hurt me verbally as well as physically.

He grew up with his dad who has always drank a lot and he has seen him hit females more times than i know of, im sure. His mom had him, gave birth to his brother a few years later then married a new man shortly after that and basically sent him to live with his dad and never looked back. 10 years later his sister was born. We go to his moms house for bdays and holidays and things but i feel like he doesnt have the same relationship with his mom as his siblings.. like hes the black sheep. With his brother, she goes to his house regularly for dinner and vice versa, she takes his kids for the weekends and for family outings and things, but never has she accepted our invitations to dinner or asked us over other than on holidays and its like she doesnt even care for my Step son. Honestly its infuriating.. it breaks my heart and he says it doesnt bother him, but it bothers me.. and i feel like hes just trying to hide his feelings.

Im just wondering is there any use? I dont want to be another person that just gives up on him. I want to help him figure out the issues and get better.. in June, he hit me and i told him i was done. I couldnt do it anymore. Literally, he busted my lip open, gave me black eyes and brusies all over.. then of course he apologized relentlessly and i forgave him by mid july or so. Then again august it happened. Then just again in the end of December, he was drunk and gave me a black eye, busted my lip, hit me a bunch with a remote, smashed my hand trying to lock me in my room to continue hitting me privately. But again.. i just reallly dont want to fucking give up on him. I just want to know is there ever a light at the end of the tunnel? Or should i just.. run... 😢😣😭😭😭😭