
Yesterday I went to the doctor to get antibiotics for myself because I felt sick. I ended up having an upper respiratory infection, double ear infection, and a throat infection. Last night, I fell asleep and woke up in the hospital. My family says that I had a massive asthma attack in my sleep and quit breathing. After blood work and a Butt load of other tests were run... the ER doctor came into my room and asks me if I have been experiencing any abnormal symptoms and asked when I had my last period, which was last month. He demanded that I take a urinalysis because my blood work came back positive for pregnancy. After only about 25 minutes he rushed back in a said “Well after both tests, you are in fact pregnant. Bad news is, is that the pregnancy is more than likely eptoptic.” They rushed me in to get 2 different ultra sounds done and they saw a little sac right where it’s supposed to be. Thank god. After everything, the doctor came in and told me I had a cyst on my left ovary and two things were going to happen, either I miscarry in about a week of my numbers don’t go up or my numbers go up and keep the baby as a normal pregnancy. I’m in need of advice. My mom and boyfriend already know but I just need help getting through this from someone who maybe has gone through this before. Thank you.