My Ivf story


Me and my husband found out 3 years ago a few months after we got married that he has azoospermia which means no sperm count . We were sent straight to <a href="">Ivf</a> he’s gone through 9 procedures to find sperm and when they did they weren’t good quality but they were able to use a little bit of it and return an embryo again not the best quality I’ve gone through <a href="">Ivf</a> 9 times in the past 3 years and had 3 chemical pregnancies we transferred to 3 different hospitals each doctor said there was a slight chance to get pregnant but we should still consider a sperm Donner .

My husband was totally against it so I said OK we’ll give it a go as many times as my body can handle but I feel that I’m running out of energy and hope , I ask my self every day until when ?!!! I’m trying my best not to give up but I’m just drained mentally and physically!!!!! I love my husband so much and I feel guilty for asking him to give up having his own child and taking a sperm donor because he’s trying to be by my side and he loves me so much and I just feel awful asking him for this but I just feel that I just can’t do it anymore. Do you think I should just tell him let’s go for a sperm Donner and stop <a href="">IVF</a> or keep on going and hope that luck will be on our side even though I’m drained !