D&C experience


I just thought I should post this because I just had a D&C; this morning and thought some of you might be considering this option but wondering what it’s like. I had a really good experience. My baby stopped growing sometime around 6-7 weeks and no heartbeat was found on Tuesday. Surgery scheduled for today. I went in and changed into a gown. They made me comfortable with warm blankets as the doctors came in to talk to me and my husband. They put in an IV and gave me a scopalamine patch to help prevent nausea. Then we went to the OR, I laid on the table and they chatted with me for a few minutes. I started to feel sleepy and then eventually went to sleep. I woke up in recovery very comfortable with warm blankets on me and just feeling a bit sleepy like I just woke up from a nap. Then after about 20 minutes from me being awake they brought me into another room and kept me under the warm blankets and brought in my husband. I got to choose a snack and juice and sit there for a bit. I was informed the procedure went well and only took 10 minutes. I had some mild cramping occasionally, less than period cramping. Also very minimal bleeding. I was wheeled out to the car after my husband pulled it up to the door and we headed home. I’m home now and resting 🙂. I appreciated hearing about other people’s experiences with this so I thought I would share. We were told to wait 1 cycle before TTC for dating purposes to know how far along I would be. Hope this helps someone!