Detached, lonely and anxious during pregnancy

Hi all, I thought I would post on here in hope that there are others that feel as I do. I’m 23 and 18 weeks pregnant. I am in a loving relationship with my partner of 5 years and our baby was planned. We conceived 1 year after a miscarriage. For the year I had desperately wanted a baby and it became one of my main focuses. My partner lives away but we find time to see each other, usually every other weekend for a night.

For the past 4 or so weeks I have felt extremely extremely low. I live at home with parents although I have my own house (they do not know I am pregnant, I am terrified to tell them as my mother reacted horribly to my last pregnancy) but feel awfully lonely. I made the decision to come home as these feelings of loneliness were unbearable whilst living alone but they haven’t changed or cotton better since moving back home. I don’t speak to either of my parents all day and spend my days when I’m not working in my room. Whenever I do have a conversation with them it’s very short and I can feel myself getting anxious. I feel detached from them and things that used to interest me I am no longer excited by.

I don’t feel a connection with my unborn baby, despite all the scan pictures, feeling him move and how much I wanted a child. I am very scared about how I will cope in my new life as a mum. I don’t have many friends, just 1 who lives in another city. Most nights I will be in floods of tears because of how low I feel. I have spoken to my GP and midwife about these feelings but they have said it may be hormones. I feel that the only thing stopping me from self harming is my unborn child.

I am really struggling to cope and as the days go by it is getting harder and harder. If anyone has any advice for me I would really appreciate it as I feel I need some help/wise words from other mums/expectant mums.

Thankyou X