When can I start TTC again!?

Karine 🌷 • Mom of two handsome boys.💙 English is not my native language! Please excuse any mistakes.✌🏻

I had a miscariage on 29th dec at 7weeks 4days... I saw my obgyn today and she said to wait for my AF just to have my cycle back so I can track my ovulation, but she said that I can start trying as soon as my bloodtest confirm that my HCG is back to zero. And that if I get pregnant before having my cycle back she will do a datation ultra sound to know my due date. I want to start as soon as possible I really want this second child. ❤ Monday I go for my bloodtest and if it's back to zero, I think I'll start my opk... Do you think it's best to wait for my AF to return? or I still have chance to get pregnant right after my mc...?