Lost baby at 5-6 weeks...

I didn't know I was pregnant until I lost the baby at around 5-6weeks... I'm at university so a baby isn't/wasn't part of my plans at the minute !! At first, I felt no emotions, I wasn't upset by it, but now, 2 months after it's really affecting me! I didn't even know I was pregnant and wasn't planning them but I'm so so down about it I cry nearly every day 😭 is it normal?

The doctors said it was a miscarriage from my cycle, hormone levels and the amount of pain I was in and the bleeding , however I never properly saw the baby come out? The 3rd day into the bleeding I went to the toilet and I just happened to look down and saw something that sort of resembles a tiny baby.. but there was no blood after this? I know it's too late now but I just want to know if this looks like it could have been the baby?