Our perfect little baby is a...


All boy symptoms and wives tales. The only thing that said girl is the Chinese calendar and the nub theory. Ever since we found out at 7 weeks we’ve both strongly felt little one was a boy. We were positive.

Day of the ultrasound, I felt first movements and the little stubborn butt crossed its legs and was upside down. The tech switched it over to HD just to peek while we waited for little one to open its legs..

Next thing we know, tech is saying we have a little girl!! I immediately started crying. I wanted a little girl so bad but I was so sure it was a boy. We were shocked. SO lost his mom a week ago in a car accident and I think a little girl makes it that much more special.

This is our Lydia Alexandria. We decided to give his moms name to Lydia for her middle name so it’s such a meaningful name to both of us. 💕 This is both of our first and she is already so loved.