
Just want to rant and know I’m not alone.

I’m 6 months pregnant and I have bipolar (under-control) but during the pregnancy my anxiety has been crazy, I never want to leave the house or go anywhere, I feel judged a lot (I’m only 19 and people love commenting on how “young” I am🙄).

But the past couple of weeks have been really really tough, I’m struggling so much with my weight gain (11kg bp 47 now 58) I’ve put on all over and I just feel huge and heavy and tried and just horrible and so un-sexy.

I’ve been crying a lot, like twice a day at least. I just generally feel really down.

I’m so so stressed because I just moved into a private rental (2 weeks) and they JUST put it on the market and we have to move in 10 weeks again. (Renting from my step dad 😒)

My partner is amazing but the tensions are high and arguments are often, he forgets I’m pregnant, I forget he’s quitting smoking, we’re both stressed.

I just feel like complete shit. I have pimples EVERYWHERE, one boob leaks the other doesn’t?!, i pee when I laugh, my feet hands and eyes get swollen/puffy and all I want is a glass of red wine (obviously haven’t touched any alcohol) and 5 boxes of chocolate and to sit in the bath and cry 😭

Please respond 😩