My husband and I decided to start trying in early December 2017

My husband and I decided to start trying in early December 2017. Something in my body just felt like it was time to be a mommy. I downloaded the <a href="">Glow app</a> because I had no clue where to start beyond just having sex. Today is Jan. 5, 2018. I am 5 days before my next AF. But I GOT 2 BFP!!!! The first test game the the faintest second line ever (I analyzed that thing because either it or I was crazy. lol). But I knew, thanks to the Glow community, that any line is a line no matter how faint. So I took the 2nd test and got a digital "Yes+"!!! I am elated, and crying, and scared, and excited all at once! I had not told my husband that I was going to test this morning because I didn't want to disappoint him. Now I have got to think of a special way to tell him that we are about to be parents for the first time! Thank you so much Glow Community!