
I know I wrote about this before, I had preeclampsia when I was pregnant and delivered at 38 weeks. My blood pressure was high, a week after having my baby I went back to the doctor and my blood pressure was still high. (160/101)They sent me over to the ER where I had to stay over night to monitor my blood pressure , when I left the hospital my blood pressure was down a lot, I believe it was 119/75... they put my on a blood pressure medication.. I go for my 6 week postpartum check up in about 2 weeks. I'm hoping my blood pressure is fine. My swellingness finally went away about 10 days after giving birth. My question is , anyone who has had preeclampsia, did your blood pressure ever go back to normal? And how long does it take? I'm only 24 years old and I fear that it will never go down and I'll have to be on medication forever. 😔😭