Very low rising hcg... success stories


I went to the e.r on dec.29th because I was spotting quite a bit(not enough to fill a pad or pantry liner) but I was panicking a bit. Well I was there the doctor checked me out, said I was about 5 weeks exactly according to my gestation sac( but no yolk or embryo.. said could be too early.) I thought I was almost six weeks at this point. But what was scary was my hcg. Which he said was at a 36, and if I tried to take a home pregnancy test, it would come back negative. It ended with its could be too early to see anything or I could be miscarrying and to have my regular doctor check at my appointment in a few days.

The next day, I took two test at home, the same two I took when I first found out I was pregnant, both positive. It easier my mine a little. Figured my numbers would be where they need do at my appt. I thought my doctor was going to give me anything vaginal ultrasound, as I would be almost six weeks, and could possible see the baby, but instead she just did a pee test, and said I was pregnant(like I already knew) and that I had to wait another WEEK for the ultrasound. Which I feel like seeing the baby(or not) is the only things that would put my mind to rest. she did check my hcg again, but it was only 104. Said it was good it went up but still very low. I’m just a little nervous because I haven’t had as many symptoms. My Brest tingle here and there, and eating is still a little hard because of nausea.and I have gas, but I don’t feel like they did a few days ago when all I could do was sleep and barley get out of bed.

I know everyone is different, I know symptoms come and go, but this hcg thing is really scary. To help easy my mind, I just wanted to know if anyone else had very low rising hcg during early pregnancy and everything turn out alright?