csec or vbac

Kyla • I love my daughters and sons(r.i.p)and my husband💗blood donor🩸 and milk donor🤱🏼

I had my daughter natural back in 2016 and my son via emergency C-section at 28 weeks back in July (r.i.p) hoping for a vbac with this baby(7weeks+2day) nurse said my chances are very high and are especially high if I get the cervical cerclage but the final word rests with the doctor. I can't handle another C-section it was too tramatizing for me. I had placental abruption my water broke and I had prolapsed cord all at once the likely hood of that happening again is slim to none. my doctor has delivered over 5000 babies in his career and I'm the first he has seen that happened to. he said most likely all my future pregnancies would have to be csec be he didn't say it was 100% guaranteed. I plan on fighting for a vbac

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