You Are Divine Sweet Mother 💚


To All Mamas and Mothers to Be,

please don't let anyone ever make you feel like you are crazy because of your raging hormones.

First off, these emotions were already there within you. Hormones just allow you to be more sensitive to them and to feel them amplified.

This is beautiful.

This is an opportunity for healing and personal growth, to self reflect and observe these emotions with self love and detachment. Then you may see them for what they really are and let them go.

Secondly, simply because someone does not understand the beauty of a woman's ever changing body and spirit does not immediately mean that these changes are whacky or a nuisance. You are not crazy. These small shifts and changes are meant to be honored with love and presence, to be ridden like waves of an ocean. Smoothly, gently, with strength and grace regardless of how high the wave or how low...They are all part of the beautiful vast ocean that is You.

The journey from womanhood into motherhood is that of a rite of passage...a life changing phenomena that will forever transform you.

It is a journey. All of it. Every tear you shed and every heart warming laugh that ignites your spirit. From all the nausea to swelling, cravings, aches and sleepless nights...and everything in between. It is all so sacred...all meant to <a href="">nurture</a> your soul and improve your strength and readiness to be a mother to this unique child growing within your womb.

Honor these changes as you honor yourself. When the time comes to bring this child into this world from your inner home it now resides in, the rite of passage begins. The transformation begins. It is the one and only road you cross over alone with nothing but your own will and strength. You become a living portal for this child to enter into a new world...a world it will discover, breathe in, laugh in, and cry in...all by your side and with your love to guide their fragile souls each and every day on this beautiful walk of existence we call life.

You are Divine sweet mother. Remember this always...💛