Tell me I’m not crazy...😣


I’m almost 9 weeks and just had my first prenatal appointment on Wednesday. I had a sonogram done and was able to see the baby and its heartbeat for the first time. I always hear people say how that was such a magical, emotional moment for them when they saw their child for the first time. I am beating myself up about not having that feeling. Don’t get me wrong, I am so relieved the doc said everything looked healthy and normal - that’s all I really wanted to hear at this point. But I’ve been waiting for that moment when this whole pregnancy thing seems “real” and I thought the first sonogram would be it, but I haven’t had that feeling that everyone else seems to have. My husband and I both decided we wanted a baby and were actively trying so this pregnancy was planned and I was sooo happy when I found out - still am happy - but I just am not getting that emotional connection that I thought I was supposed to have and I feel like the worst person alive because of it! What the heck is wrong with me? Please tell me this happened to some of you and it will fade?! 😥