10 week sleep??

Is any ones 10 week baby having a hard time staying asleep? My baby takes 3 naps a day for 2 hours every time. Last two days he has hard time sleeping. I rock him lay him down and then 15 mins he’s up again I got rock him again to get him to sleep. Then for the last two weeks he wakes up at night. Since 6 weeks he would sleep through the night but not lately. He keeps waking up two times to eat. Last night was the worst he went to bed around 7 woke up at 10 to eat then he laid down by 10:45 back up again at 1 ate again sleep by 1:30 back up again at 3:30 ate again slept until 5 and all day today he won’t nap unless I hold him. What’s going on? I can’t get any sleep or eat. I feel like I’m going crazy because I can’t even take 30 mins yo my self. I seriously feel like having a break down because I’m so exhausted