finally PREGNANT!


After 6 months of trying really hard, my husband & I decided to not "try" (aka ovulation testing) as hard for the holidays & Ta Dah! We are now 7.5 weeks along with our first doctors appointment Wednesday. I think my heart will be at ease once I see the little nugget & its heart beat. This is our rainbow baby so prayers are grateful. I want to mention some things that have happened to me to try & help all fellow women trying to conceive. #1 try, but don't worry if it's taking longer than expected. it will happen when you least expect it. #2 not convinced with ovulation strips but it could be due to the dye type (see next point). #3 use tests with BLUE dye. it took nearly one whole week to show up positive on a pink dye test but nearly immediately on a test with BLUE dye & of course right away with the digital test. so good luck!