Brother dating my boyfriends ex. 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️

Yeah. My effing brother is dating my boyfriends ex. Last week at a Family party my brother said he finally wanted us to know who the ‘love of his life’ was and next thing you know she comes through the door. I️ was like

This is such a huge problem to me, this girl is literally the BIGGEST hoe I️ know AND she always had something against me ever since I started dating my SO of 2 years. She even tried jumping me with her ignorant friends before but yet she acted like she didn’t know me that night. (All because of my brother of course.)

So I️ try to give her a chance because I️ love my brother, he’s my bestfriend and I’d do anything for him. Even try to be friends with a girl that literally threatened me 10+ times. So the whole night we spend it acting like we don’t know eachother.

UNTIL SHE LITERALLY TRIED TO KISS MY FUCKING MAN WHEN ME AND MY BROTHER HAD OUR BACKS TURNED. The only reason I️ found out was because my little cousin ran and told me that “___ tried to kiss ___ but he shoved her off “ So I️ got pissed and was deciding if I️ should tell my brother or not. I️ didn’t know if the time was right because we were at a family party and I️ felt that it wouldn’t be appropriate.

So I️ talked to my boyfriend about it and let it slide for the rest of the night, I️ really didn’t know what to do. Until my family started playing this game Never have I️ ever. We were all in a big circle ( also Me, my bf, brother, and that thing.) The way we played was if you did what it said on the card you had to take shots. And y’all it was so ironic how one of the cards said “Never have I️ ever cheated in a serious relationship.” I️ saw my chance and I️ took it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I️ said “ Damn well ___ might as well drink the whole damn bottle, if you get what I️ mean “ and my brother was like what??


Sorry y’all I️ know this was a lot. Ima stop but yeah basically my brother found out the whole deal and dumped her ass. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m never that type of messy person but don’t try me sis. Especially when it comes to family.