Updated: Sucked his dick in HS now he’s famous 😂

Sooo I graduated 2017 but junior year of high school I had this thing with a guy who transferred from some other school he came into my art class one day and we hit it off 😂 so we start talking he’s a real flirt, a douche flirt tho he’d be super sweet and kiss ass over text but in person with our friends he’d pick on me lmao and sometimes he was mean but anyways we started texting on snap out of school and during school we’d message eachother while having a different convo in person and he really wanted to fuck. I liked him and he liked me, he was a wicked mysterious dude tho that’s what I liked about him. Anyways he was like I really want to date you but I want to know you’d be down to do stuff, and he knew I was a Virgin and that second I knew he didn’t actually wanna date he just wanted to fuck and then we kind of became distant and then one day I asked him if we had homework for art and we started talking again and I said I’d blow him after school so after school we meet up in the cafeteria and we walk outside together and we go in the back of the school in the woods and we go deep enough where we feel is okay. So right when we put our backpacks down he leans down (this guy is is 6 foot something lol and 5’00) and kisses me and damn that boy can kiss. He was such a good kisser 😭 anyways we were making out and he sits down on a log and I sat on his lap and we were still making out and he he stopped and asked if I was okay and I was like yeah and then he asked if he could touch my pussy and I said yeah so he started rubbing me but he was actually just rubbing the side bone of my pussy it was awkward lol I wouldn’t let him finger me because I had a full bush and I wasn’t comfortable with it, and he was fine with that he didn’t pressure me with anything. So then we moved because we thought we heard people so then we started making out again and he was like ugh I want to fuck you and i was like nooo haha it wouldn’t fit.. so he takes my hand and puts it on his dick and I start rubbing it and then he took his dick out and this was the first time I have ever seen a penis in person and it was huge and I was nervous as fuck he was like guiding me through on what to do and he kept asking me if I was okay and he was being really sweet about the whole thing actually, his dick was big and soft and I sucked it. I obviously didn’t do the best job it was my first time, but anyways we stopped for a second because he wanted to lie down to make it easier so we put his sweatshirt down and he lays down on it and then I sucked his dick again lol he basically finished himself off, I was just sucking the tip and he was jacking it and he came in my mouth and I fucking swallowed 😂 he thought that was wicked hot lol. So after that we made out again for a bit and then we headed out of the woods and he said I didn’t do bad at all for my first time lmao he was really nice and he kept wanting to hangout after that but my parents wouldn’t have allowed it lol and I knew the next thing he’d want was sex cuz he kept telling me to come over really late and I wasn’t ready to lose my virginity. So anyways it was kind of weird with us after that, he didn’t go around telling everyone (he was kinda popular) he even got personal with me about his family and his life I felt bad for him.. we stopped talking and I’m currently dating the guy I’ve wanted since sophomore year the guy I never got over 😂 so me and H lost touch he got distant and then he transferred to another school by senior year. He blocked me on Snapchat when I said I was seeing someone else and then he deleted me from insta and then requested to be friends again and messaged me hey a while ago and I never answered lol but anyways he’s getting kinda famous now 😂 Henry Anzola I’ve seen him on world star and he got a contract with juicy J now or something I guess? But anyways I’m glad he’s doing what he loves I remember him telling me and my friends he was gonna be famous lol this feels like it was all so long ago I don’t even really remember all of it but thanks for reading I just wanted to get this off my chest 😂 there’s no real point loll

Update: yeah he’s not everybody knows him famous, if you go on insta u can find him at Whoishenryaz