5 miscarriages

Emily • I’m a angel mom to 5 amazing babies, step mom to a awesome 13 year old and married to the love of my life.

I have had 5 miscarriages, never make it pass 8 weeks our last one was 2 years ago. I was checked on EVERYTHING and the doctors have found nothing wrong, dna blood work is fine, ultrasounds look great! My question is has anyone else had a healthy full term baby after so many miscarriages? I don’t have any kids so I didn’t know if I was alone! They say it’s 1 out of 4 women that have so many miscarriages back to back!! I’m so stressed because all I want in life is to be a mom and at this point I feel like I will never have a biological child of my own!! I’ve tried everything to get pregnant but I’m to that point to let it just happen on its own