Has anyone chosen to birth completely alone?

The father of my child is involved and I can’t stand him (he’s been abusive in the past physically that has stopped), he has denied paternity of my child which there is a 1% chance the baby could not be his.

I want to go to the hospital alone with no family without my “boyfriend” without my mother, because if she comes out and she doesn’t look like him or has something wrong with her because of my laps in sobriety In my second trimester I just don’t want to share the shame I will feel.

I’m not looking for judgement, I was in a dark dark place when I got pregnant and I was struggling with alcohol I binge drank twice during my pregnancy (after finding out).

I feel it might be best to do it alone for myself. To share the shame of any of those consequences with someone might be something to send me back to that dark place.

I guess I’m just wondering if anyone had done it