My still birth of my beautiful son 👼🏼


Our Kane Aaron was born January 3rd at 10:26am 6 pounds 11oz and 19 inches long. He was the definition of beautiful!, gorgeous!, pure angel that nobody has ever seen coming straight out of the doctors and nurses mouths as they cried with us. My heart is broken it's full of hate and questions with no answers it's full of tears that I cannot stop. I'm to the point, we're to the point of being numb. Kane is and will forever be our first born, our honeycomb, shark,little shit, our Kaner, gorgeous baby boy and a replica of his daddy from head to toe. When the day comes of trying to conceive we will always mention to your future sibling(s) about you baby boy. All the vomiting and bed rest and hospital visits were worth it. We never regret having you. We sobbed over your peaceful body as they took you away out of your daddy's arms. We didn't take you home but I made the best home in my stomach where I carried you full term. I felt your strong kicks and we knew you'd be a on side kicker just like daddy. You never stopped moving, you loved Coldplay it would make you fall asleep. Daddy and I would go to the movies and you'd jump at scenes that were to loud and I'd put my hands on both sides of your home and say "ear muffs" or rubbed my stomach and it would sooth you. You jammed with us to Eminem. You had the best personality. No mother or father should have to be told "there's no heart beat" and see that straight line on the ultrasound. No mother or father should have to scream and cry to the point you physically get sick. No mother or father should have to yell at the doctors and say "do it again!" No mother or father should have to prepare themselves in an hour for surgery with no warning. No mother should lay on the sugary table and know when they take your beautiful baby out that you won't ever hear the cry and first pure breath of air they take in. And no mother or father should ever have to say goodbye to their newborn baby that hasn't even lived yet, seen their toys or seen that place they're gonna call home and run around in, you won't see their first steps, hear their first words or have memories of raising them the first memory daddy and I will have is coming home with that empty car seat and come home to all your things that won't ever be used by you. No mother or father should ever not see their beautiful sons eyes like how we didn't. Our baby Kane will open his little eyes. We won't be the first thing you'll see. The first thing you will see Kane is the face of Jesus. Everyone told us we will get pregnant again one day and have another baby but I wanted that pregnancy. I wanted that baby. We want our Kane.There is no foot too small that it cannot impact on this world and when you carry a life and it's there then gone, apart of your soul dies, forever.

We're still a family of 3 Kane.

Kane Aaron Occhino
