I thought we made it


I had a miscarriage in August of 2016 I was only 8 weeks at the time. The Dr suggested we wait 3 months but we ended up waiting 6. I got pregnant again the first try in May. It was going well we waited to tell people we were 18 weeks and showing before we announced. The scans were great everything was fine. we found out it was a boy at 20 week scan. I was feeling him move I was getting excited I thought we were finally going to get out happy ending. But that's not who this story ends. At 24 weeks I started to get contractions and back pain. I was worried I called my doctor 3 times over the next 3 days and they kept telling me it was normal and not to worry unless the pain got worse or if the contractions were 6 an hour. On Halloween I went to work I started getting strong contractions I had 3 and called my husband I tears I knew something was wrong. He picked me up and we went to labor and delivery. I was there for a half hour and my water broke. the doctor came in to check my cervix and my son's foot was sticking out. They rushed me in to a crash csection. My son was born at 24 weeks 6 days. He was 1lb 13 oz,13 in long. He did OK for 2 days but on the 3rd day he started bleeding in his lungs. This caused him to have a level 4 brain bleed in both sides of his head. His condition worsened and he passed away November 3rd, 2017. He's been gone now for almost 10 weeks. We are approaching his due date February 15th and I keep thinking about what we should be doing but we aren't. I thought we had made it but I was wrong. Know one tells you that you could lose the baby in the middle of the second trimester in such a tramatic way. We have to wait to try again 6 to 9 months. I don't know how I'll manage, how I'll ever be exctied, how I'll make it through another pregnancy knowing it may just end up as another horrible loss. I'm heartbroken and scared for the future. Thanks for letting me share.