Weight-Loss Advice


With this new year already here I really want to change. My body isn’t healthy and ever since I was small I was always the “big” one. Even though my family(cousins,aunts,uncles etc...) were also big and unhealthy.

I’m 5’7 and around 220 I’m also about to turn 17. I’m basically obese. My weight is mostly my thighs and stomach. I always ask my friends if I look like it and they reply back honestly my friend Sam is the real one! She said because of my height it didn’t really make me “look” my weight and said “Isabel you look perfectly fine but if you want to be a better and happier you do it.” And I guess I don’t only want to stop being the “fat” friend but the friend that could love themselves and everybody around them.

(It took a lot within to post a picture of myself but I know this is for the best)

I’ve been trying so hard to lose weight since middle school but it seems I never get the support I need.

Every time I would tell my mom she would legit reply “You always say you will but you’ll never change.” It makes me feel worthless and I just give up. I’ve been trying to cut back my portions on food and other things.

So if you guys have any advice or things you guys went through and motivational stories. I would be so happy and grateful.