
Can someone explain why this might be happening or if they have experienced it before?

So there’s a high chance that I️ could be pregnant. My boyfriend and I hadnt been sexually active ever until so I didn’t keep a eye on when I ovulate or not. Well on the 25th we ended up having unprotected sex which just so happened to be my ovulation date. Well my period should have been here on the 6th but it never and still hasn’t came. All of my test have been negative but I’ve had this discharge come out of me when I pee or even when I don’t pee but it only lasted 2 days. Some people told me it’s a sign of early pregnancy. My boobs have been so sore, swollen feeing and hot even. I’ve been so tired. I’ve been cramping but it’s mild nothing like my period cramps. I feel sick to my stomach a lot but haven’t thrown up. We also had protected sex on the 8th but it hurt so so bad that I wasn’t into it. Now I’ve got the taste for spicy food. Is this normal? Why could this be happening? Could I be pregnant?