Feeling betrayed


So me and my fiancé lost our 12 day old daughter at the start of December, and from then on we have been talking about trying again for another baby after 6 months and my fiancé has been agreeing and acting excited about it and It has been giving me something to look forward to, well tonight my fiancé told me that he isn’t ready and that he doesn’t want to try and for me this has come completely out of the blue because I’ve asked him multiple times if he was sure and he said yes and it has absolutely crushed be ive been bawling my eyes out crying in bed with my fiancé next to me and yet he isn’t doing a thing he just went to sleep he could hear me crying and just went to sleep I feel so betrayed and heartbroken and I can see things from his side but it hurts so much


I understand his point of view and I would never force him to try when he isn’t ready it wouldn’t be fair to him and it wouldn’t be fair for the baby I am thinking of it from his point of view but at the same time for me it has come out of the blue because before I even gave birth he was the one that mentioned trying again (we found out at 20 weeks that there was a good chance that she wouldn’t survive even until I gave birth) and it was him that mentioned it and I know jay things change but he has also mentioned it after she passed away and I know it hasn’t been long we where waiting to try till at least six months to give us time to heal and I’m not trying to replace my daughter I could never do that and she will forever hold a very special place in my heart. For me he has done a complete 360 for him he hasn’t but I haven’t known any different till last night, cause I’ve asked him multiple times if he was sure that we should try again and every time he said yes. I will be backing off the baby stuff and trying again and we have agreed that once it’s reached 6 months that we will talk and see and he is also going to tell me when he is ready