Induction - your experience?


We’re 38 weeks and had a check up this morning. Our baby girl is currently 3.8kgs (8lbs 6oz) and still growing - her belly measurements are actually off the chart 🙈

Both my husband and I were big babies so we’re expecting she’ll be over 4kgs. I would still like a chance at a vaginal delivery so we spoke with our doctor about inducing at 39 weeks given that developmentally she seems well “cooked”, and our doctor agrees it’s definitely something we should consider. We know there is an increased risk of emergency caesarean.

If you had an induction, what was your experience? Was it exceptionally uncomfortable compared to an uninduced birth (if you have something to compare it to)? Did it end in a c-section?


UPDATE: 39 weeks and slightly smaller measurements on today’s scan (3.6kgs) so last week was probably over-estimated. Looking likely we’ll induce around 40 weeks although she’s also “sunny side up” do hoping she turns to put her back to my belly in the next week!!