what could this be?

Roeska • married (sept'15) mommy (may'16), mc (nov'17) 🌈 due april 2019 👩🏼‍🏫 teacher biology @uni ♡ yoga, science, crocheting, netflix 🦄

I've had a mc in November. december 21st, exactly 4 weeks after my d&c; I got my period. I track my bbt and it seems like I am 7dpo now. my base temp is usually around 36.7 °C, after I've ovulated it is 37°C and up. in my fertile window, we've BDed about 4 times, hoping to get our rainbow baby soon. yesterday evening we had amazing sex on the couch and this afternoon I've started to experience mild cramping... I know it's too early to test, but did anyone go through the same? could this be...?

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