My husband doesn’t want to have sex.

Hey ladies, so as the tittle says my husband doesn’t want to have sex. He has little to no sex drive. It has been over 6 months and nothing, at one point he couldn’t keep his hands off me but as of’s just not happening, and I cannot figure out why. He hasn’t stopped being affectionate, he still wants to kiss and cuddle but the thought of sex seems to stress him out. I’ve tried toys, role play, massage, warm baths, dressing up and at this point I’m not sure what else there is. When I ask him why he simply says he doesn’t know why. I don’t think he’s cheating he works a normal schedule and is always home on time. No lock d phone etc. Everything else seems normal but the rejection is starting to be to much for me. Any solutions or suggestions? Is this a phase? Idk what else to think. Could he just be falling out of love? I would think if that was the case the affection would stop to right?

Update: I know it’s awkward to ask for advice and then not respond but I want to try and remain anonymous since I’m a little embarrassed to even be admitting this about my relationship but thank you to everyone who has commented and will! I’m definitely reading everything and considering what you all are saying. Thanks so much!