My glucose test from hell đŸ”„

Katie ‱ Stay Groovy âœŒđŸŒ Mama to Knox Maverick born 4/4/18

Let me start by saying that the glucose test really isn’t that bad....for me, could have been better.

I started the week off by getting my 1 hour glucose test done. I went to the lab really nervous thinking I would feel sick and barf...none of that happened. The drink was like pedialite and I felt fine. Got my blood taken after an hour and BAM that was it.

The next morning my doctors office called letting me know I was over the mark by 8 points. That sucks considering I was fasting and couldn’t even drink water from midnight until after the test.

Because I failed, panic set in. What if I have gestational diabetes? What if I fail the 3 hour test? What if? What if?

Well, the day before my 3 hour test I ate super healthy, low carb high protein, and drank tons of water. I was still really really nervous about sitting in the lab for THREE FUCKING HOURS without food or water. Doesn’t sound fun.

So the morning of the test, after fasting since 10pm, I get to the lab super early to ensure I’m the first one there.

I sat down and got my blood drawn then was handed the drink.

The drink this time was different. It had more glucose and tasted like a melted slurpee.

Not even five minutes after drinking the bottle my stomach was not having it. I think it was 90% anxiety and 10% actual discomfort, but I was feeling like shit. So much so that my nerves had completely taken over.

I was convinced I was going to throw up and pass out. I had the worst anxiety attack. So bad that the girls in the office had me lay down because I was shaking and turned white. I managed to freak myself out so much I was looking for any excuse to get out of finishing the test.

I hung in there until the first hour draw, then I was seeing spots. The nurse was totally scared of me passing out so she spoke with my doctor and he said I could leave.

Apparently, having two blood viles is better than none and they could guess if I had GD or not.

Holy shit though!!!! I can’t even imagine childbirth now if I have a fucking panic attack at a glucose screening.

Moral of the story...DONT FREAK YOURSELF OUT & don’t stay up all night reading horror stories of the test. You’ll be fine if you stay focused. Don’t pull a me 😔