Need advise.

So I’ve known this guy for three years as my bestfriend. Recently last year January we started dating I went to Texas for a family thing and found out from one of my girls that there was a girl giving him hickies at a party. Crazy thing is he called me the next morning because I didn’t text him back after I found out the news. So I seen the hickies and asked what that on his neck. He answered “this seatbelt been irritating me skin.” So I hung up the phone. He ft me back and i told him we were done because he lied. So months pass and I come back in town and some how we end up speaking to each other and he begs for me back you know how that goes. But we start dating again and it’s going smoothly. Then his bestfriend dies and I’m so u understanding—so I’m there for him etc I feel his pain. But two months later he begs me to move in with him so I do and I kid you not a month later he starts treating me different. Not really showing emotion just fucks me and go about his day. Mind you I constantly tell him how I feel, I’m not someone who doesn’t express myself. So he changes for a little and I’m constantly wondering like why am I still here if he continues to disrespect me and not appreciate me and treat me as if I’m worthless. Speeding through the story I caught him on ig dmin the female who gave him hickies back feb, he thought I was sleep but the phone was directly in my face. My extra ass confronts him on it and he lies to me face. Just like last time so my kind hearted ass forgave him, but I hate a liar and I constantly catch him lien to me, it could be big lies or little lies—he just lies. Btw he has no job. So it’s December around Christmas and I buy him an Xbox one for Xmas two controllers headsets things so he can talk live total comes up to like 690$ then I went and bought 200$ with of weed for him and me. And I really love him as you can see. He claims to be looking for a job etc. but I feel like the man in the relationship and I’m just so fed up because after all that he still treats me like shit. So today it being January 2018 I confront him on putting me second with everything he do in life. I told him how yesterday I asked him to do things and all he did was play the game. He’s on that game more then white is on rice. I text him a long ass message expressing my feelings on how I don’t think he loves me or care for me and that I just feel he’s using me for my clout and sex/ n that he knows I won’t go anywhere, and you know what he response was? “ oh, you think I don’t love you? Lol” I’m just sooo fed up at this point I just wanna be done with him complete because he just won’t change, but I live with him n love him 😩. I need advise.