Past my due date!


My (daughter’s) due date was Jan 10. I went to the doctor today (40 weeks, 2 days) and I’m not dilated at all yet. I did lose my mucus plug two days ago and I’ve had some but very few Braxton Hicks contractions. Otherwise, this little girl seems very content with her current home!

Honestly, except for the discomfort when I a try to sleep, I’m feeling really good and positive. I’m still taking the dogs for daily walks and running errands all day with a nap here and there. I’m a bit bored since this is the first time I haven’t had a 50+ hour/week job since high school.

But my family is all going crazy and I’m feeling pressured to be induced soon. I really want my daughter to come on her own so I set up an induction for just before I hit 42 weeks. I’m all for at home remedies though!

I’m going to try acupuncture tomorrow. Has anyone had any luck with that?

Other than the normal at home remedies (raspberry leaf tea, spicy food, nipple stimulation, sex, castor oil - which sounds too scary for me!), any other ideas?